Product Information:
At Skriver Collection disclosed the essential characteristics for further information or questions about existing information please send an email to via [email protected]
Price and payment
All prices are current prices and only valid on the day of ordering. Prices change constantly - and often from day to day. Buyer will be billed at the price prevailing on the day of ordering if Skriver Collection accepts the order.
The following terms and conditions apply to all deliveries from Skriver Collection. Conditions apply in cases where no other written agreements between you as buyer and Skriver Collection.
In this shop you can order your items online and pay via: Giro payment. Dankort, VISA, Mastercard, Maestro, eDankort, VISA Electron, JCB cards or bank transfer. All prices on Skriver Collection website are incl. VAT.
Delivery and transport
Delivery of goods from Skriver Collection is considered done when the consumer has received the goods. Shipment of goods made most often with GLS or Post Denmark. Delivery time is typically 2-6 working days if the item is in stock in the desired color / variant otherwise it will typically take 6-8 weeks.
This is without prejudice to minor price changes and availability.
All orders are sent as packages, so it is possible to track by post or GLS.
Orders that cost more than 600 dkk, can in Denmark be sent freight free.
Orders under 600 dkk imposed shipping fee of 39 dkk Shipping with GLS to profession adresses and parcel shops in Denmark and costs kr. 85 Shipping with Post Denmark.
Presentation of products with a price of Skriver Collection is not a binding offer, but merely an invitation to make offers. Order buyer of goods from the Skriver Collection ApS does not constitute a binding acceptance, but a binding offer to to buy goods on the terms.
A binding agreement between buyer and is only concluded when by order confirmation accept the buyer's offer.
The account information you enter when purchasing goods will be sent directly to PBS in encrypted form (SSL) which only you and PBS can read. There is no one else sees or stores information about you. For purchases with a credit card debited from your account as soon as the goods leaves Skriver Collection.
The risk of accidental destruction or deterioration:
Only at the time when the goods ordered have come in possession of the purchaser, the risk that the ordered goods are destroyed or damaged due to accidental circumstances, to the buyer.
The warranty is the customer's right to complain about a product that has errors or defects that were present when the goods were sold. The customer will have two years to find fault or defect in the product, proven to be the seller's responsibility. Showing a lack itself within the first 6 months after delivery, it is assumed that the defect was present at delivery. The burden of proof lies the first 6 months from the dealer, the next 1½ years lies with the customer. Warranty is the customer's statutory rights.
Reasonable Time:
In the new sales law, the consumer always has two months to respond after a defect of a product is discovered. They consider such complaints within 2 months as being within reasonable time and thus in accordance with the law. Complaints can be made more than two months and still be within a reasonable time, but it is likely to hear rare. It is possible to eklamerer within 2 months after the mistake was discovered.
Disclaimer and guarantee: has made it easy for you to get relevant information on other hjememsider through links. These websites are outside control. We can therefore in no way be held responsible for the contents of these pages.
Information on the products ordered from such sites are not included in the description of the goods in the agreement between buyer and, the goods thus meet the buyer's expectations, if they conform to Skriver Collection's own description.
Seller is not liable for direct or indirect losses due to the ordered goods arriving late to the buyer or the ordered goods have defects, when delays or defects due to buyer's act or omission or circumstances which are beyond the's control such as war, riots, civil commotion, fire, state interference, seizure, currency restrictions, labor disputes of any kind, including strike and lockout, or the like.
Skriver Collection gives no independent guarantee of the goods ordered, and the buyer obtains only the guarantees granted by the manufacturer to buyer.
Reports buys Skriver Collection Ltd., the buyer has regretted his purchase within 14 days after delivery and then have 14 days to send the returned Skriver Collection amount received.
Goods returned UFRANCO or after claims denied receipt. When returning, please use Post Denmark - no alternative package distributors. Because it makes it possible to trace the item if it should become lost during return shipping. You should send the product properly packed - together with a copy of the invoice and please write clearly that you wish to exercise the right of withdrawal and that you therefore want to recover the price. We recommend that you send the product back as cautious package of Post Denmark or GLS.
These return rules apply to all goods sold by distance selling (private) - it does not apply to items collected in our store nor products sold to businesses.
It is possible to cancel a purchase, even though the product has been used.
A product is only used if it is used beyond what is possible by testing the product in a physical store.
If the product is used, you need to make a specific assessment of what the item used can be sold to another consumer. A potential. impairment, the consumer does not have a return.
The website is run by:
Skriver Collection CVR nr: 34210357
TELEFON 40518101, Sanglærkevej 47, 8960, Randers SØ
Mark the package "Returns" and attach a copy of the purchase invoice as evidence that it / they return items purchased from Skriver Collection amount will be returned by check made out to the person appearing on your purchase invoice.
Returning as a result of the withdrawal is at buyer's own expense! Skriver Collection recommends that the product is returned via Post Denmark and the product is sent as a package. In this way it is possible to track the package in Post Danmark system and waives any doubt that the parcel has been delivered to the clerk Collection. Further, the customer has the possibility to Trace the package if no delivery has taken place.